640. Mission Videos and Audio

If you know of videos to add to this list, mention them in the Comments section below.

Global Recordings Networkseveral short videos, most under 2 minutes. 

God’s Story from Creation to Eternity  Presents a summary of the Bible from Creation to Eternity 

Joshua Project has about 25 short mission videos (ranging from 1 minute to 12 minutes) 
Mission videos to watch with your family as you travel or visit during Christmas. After each video, we suggest talk about what you’ve seen. One of our source pages suggested we ask, “What did you learn from watching the video?” and “How does God want you to respond to what you learned?” 
Here’s the list: (from Brigada)

CafĂ© 1040 (3:49) 

Who are the Unreached? (by Piper) (3:21) 

Domestic Ministries vs Frontier Missions – John Piper (4:34) 
Doing Missions When Dying Is Gain”- John Piper- audio and text: (50:11) 
Nik Ripken teachings- audio: (several stories/messages each, about 11 mins long)
Biographies ofmissionaries and others- John Piper audio and text: 
Cross Conference 2013 videos audios
Famous missions quotes to read and discuss as a family:
Missions videos to watch and discuss as a family
Prayer reminders for unreached people groups
Reaching the unreached through Facebook written instructions and training videos         
YouTube worship videos with lyrics for family worship

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